I am married to the most wonderful man in the world, Justin. He truly is my best friend and the love of my life. We had our first child, a boy named Evan Joshua, June 24, 2007. We had our second son, Bryce Gavin, July 8, 2009. God has blessed our lives in such an incredible way and we are so thankful!
Greetings from the sunny south! Much to my dismay, I received a phone call yesterday morning from my mom saying it was snowing there! Then in the afternoon April so graciously sent pictures with the caption "Want to build a snowman?". It's times like these that I really miss living up north! I always love the first snow of the season and wow, what a ton of memories come flooding back! Hopefully, when we go to Mom and Dad's next month there will be snow. After all, Evan needs to make his first snow angel. It has been a little cooler here in FL which I am very thankful for. It has been a busy month for us so far. Justin has been working on his step dad's book and trying to keep up with the shopping centers. It looks like he will be getting another center in TN come the middle of December. Of course, on top of all that he makes time to help me around the house and keeps Evan entertained. Evan thinks his Daddy is the greatest and I whole heartedly agree! I thank God daily for such a wonderful husband! Evan is doing well and starting to sleep better now that the growth spurt has subsided a little. We did end up having to switch formulas again. He just wouldn't take the hypoallergenic formula. Believe me, I don't think I would have either! It was awful smelling and apparently Evan didn't think it tasted so great either! He is now rolling from back to tummy as well as tummy to back. His favorite position is standing up. He prefers to be in his exersaucer or standing on Daddy's lap. He does sit up although falls over quite quickly due to the fact that he tries to stand. He finds falling over very funny! He is ALL boy! He laughs so much! I think he must have his mother's laugh gene because it sure doesn't take much to make him laugh. For some reason, one look at Grandpa White never fails to make him giggle. Not sure what that's about!:) We are spending Thanksgiving with Justin's family. I get to do some of the cooking which I really enjoy. This year I'm making stuffing, bread pudding, jello salad and mashed potatoes. I have got nearly all my Christmas shopping done. I don't know what I would do if there was no Internet as that is how I did the majority of my shopping this year. Talk about convenience for someone who despises shopping!
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