On the left is Evan ready for his first time in the big pool. Below is Daddy and Evan enjoying the beautiful day and nice warm pool.
Daddy and our little man. He wasn't feeling well at all in this picture. Grandma trying to get Evan to eat on Easter.
I know this post is a week late, but figured better late than never! Good Friday we took Evan to the pool for the first time. Before we would just stick his feet in. He loved it! He slashed and laughed. Since we live in a primarily older community the old folks are at the pool a lot. They got a kick out of him and he loved the attention. We didn't try completely putting him under water this time, but I really don't think he would have minded. I've been working on it in the bath tub for the past several months. Evan and I both got a stomach bug on Saturday. Our Easter was a little bummy since both of us only got three hours of sleep the night before and he had spent most of the night crying. It's the first time he's gotten sick. Our next door neighbor had it and we were at their house without realizing that she had been sick. Even though we didn't make it to church I dressed Evan up in his Easter outfit from my Mom. We didn't get any pictures though. He just wasn't in the mood to have his picture taken. I'll get pictures of him in it up this week.
I was thinking this past week about the significance of Easter for Christians. My sister had posted the following blog about my nephew's view of the crucifixion.
"1. Philip has been telling him the story of the crucifixion and yesterday as we were laying down to take our afternoon nap he asked me to tell him. I gave a very shortened version and we talked about how terrible the suffering was that Jesus went through. (Of course in his mind if he had been there he would have "poked" Pilate and the bad soldiers and it would have never happened.) I made the statement that what Jesus had to go through was awful and I didn't even like to think about it. Allan asked me why I didn't like to think about and I told him in made me sad because it was so terrible. He replied that I shouldn't feel that way because when Jesus suffered "he conquered death" and that wasn't sad. As he lay sleeping I though it really is true, instead of focusing on the awfulness of the crucifixion I should focus on what was accomplished by it. Death was conquered and I'm so very thankful."
Easter has not been the same for me since I watched The Passion. The visualization of what Christ may have gone through for my sin changed me. I am so very thankful for a loving Saviour who paid the ultimate price! Allan is right, the fact that Jesus rose from the grave and conquered death gives us reason to not be sad. I don't every want to forget what was accomplished by Christ hanging on the cross or His resurrection. Happy belated Easter!
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